Gaikhangam defends Hangsing


IMPHAL, July 27: The turmoil arising in the Sadar Hills Autonomous District Council regarding impeachment of the present chairman is just a family feud and will be sorted out soon, according to the the MPCC President Gaikhangam who is also the Home Minister.

The core committee of the congress has already decided in the matter and the resolve has been tendered to the ADC members, he said during the sidelines of a function held at Congress Bhawan today. The directive from the state administration urged the members not to cause dissent and further to stick to the party norms and discipline.

“ The ADC issue has cropped up before the General Elections, opinion poll have been conducted among the Sadar Hills ADC members and former chairman SH Seipu was not supported by the majority, he was also expelled from the Congress for his anti party activities”, he said.

Mentioning that to bring favorable administration to the hill areas, the ADC elections was held after a gap of twenty years as an initiative of the SPF and the government intends to prevent further disturbances. He said that the differences among the ADC members is an internal problem and will be solved soon.

“We will come together, it is a family problem”, he added that the chairmanship of H Hangshing will continue.


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