KNA (India) joins Kuki armed struggle


IMPHAL, July 7: The Kuki National Army (India) has made a clear stance to join the armed struggle in India for the cause of the Kukis.

Speaking to media persons somewhere in Ukhrul district today, Information and Publicity Secretary of KNA (India), Barack Kuki stated that the Kukis have come a very long way in fighting for separate administrative units in India and Burma. While there are several Kuki revolutionary groups fighting for the political rights of the Kukis in India, the KNA/KNO is the only Kuki revolutionary group fighting in Burma.

Barack lamented that they have maintained high degree of patience under the leadership of KNA/KNO in Burma in spite of many flaws within the organization. But, today the leaders of KNA/KNO have turned puppets in the hands of the Burmese Junta and ran away to India for their own safety, he asserted.

The leaders of KNA/KNO are busy glorifying themselves in the name of Kuki revolutionary movement and unification when they have the revolutionary path, the publicity secretary averred.

He further stated that the Kukis have lost trust in KNA/KNO (Burma) and hence drifted away from them to give momentum to the KUki armed struggle support in their zeal to reunite and reform the Kuki armed groups and forged ahead the Kuki armed struggle in India which is almost losing momentum.

Barack maintained that they are deeply hurt by the loss of their C-in-C Lungam and his bodyguards at Phaikoh but that is not going to let them down at all. They have made a heroic sacrifice and they will follow their path with blood, toils and sacrifice.

He said that they are not against the Indian security forces but they have taken up arms to join the Kuki armed struggle in India, and appealed to all Kuki revolutionary groups and the KNA/KNO in particular not to operate with the Indian armies against them if they are the true sons of the soil.     


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