Locals sensitized on financial matters


IMPHAL, July 24: People in Manipur must stop the practice of lending money to individuals, instead one must take full advantage of the banking services made available to them.

This was stated by Wangjing Tentha MLA P Brojen Singh during a financial literacy programme held at Lanathel Keithel Macha Community Hall today.

Speaking as the chief guest of the function, the local MLA said that money is lent out to uncertain individuals with the promise of return with high interest. However, it has no guarantee as provided by the banks.

Organised by the Peoples Development Society, today’s programme was sponsored by NABARD Regional Office, Manipur. It is the seventh such program organeized by PDS in association with NABARD and Manipur Rural Bank.

Continuing his speech, Brojen said the ‘trust factor’ between the customer and the bank as most important while building a good relationship with the bank. He said, ‘Once the banks trust you, you are welcome for any business”.

During the program, a Customer Service Point was also inaugurated by the chief guest for the locals of Langathel village. This CSP is to function under the Wangjing branch of Manipur Rural Bank.

While delivering a keynote address at the program, secretary of PDS Th. Biramangol Singh lamented the state government attitude toward developing the Manipur Rural Bank.

Appealing to the people he said, “The state share of 15% amounting to about 2.89 cr is yet to be released. As the state share is not given a centre share of 50% cannot be requested. The government must take up the matter seriously”.

Elaborating more on the benefits of CSP, Biramangol said that it is the centre plan to set up CSP to a locality with a population of over 2000 inhabitants. The CSPs are meant to provide easy access to banking facilities, he added.

The function was also attended by Manipur Rural Bank branch manager L Kumarjit and local elder M Nimai Singh as the president and guest of honour of the function respectively.


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