A seminar on ‘Environment and Ecological Preservation’ A Green Initiative was organised by 17 Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ 10 Sector Assam Rifles on 2nd July 2012 Ukhrul, Manipur followed by a plantation drive was also organized by 17 Assam Rifles in which 1710 sapling were planted.

The aim of this seminar was to provide a forum to all social organisations, prominent personalities and the civil administration to workout a common and viable way towards the preservation of ecology and environment in Ukhrul district. In the backdrop of the prevailing situation of Manipur in general and Ukhrul in particular it was decided by Assam Rifles that it would be prudent to hold a seminar wherein heads of all social organisations, prominent personalities and representatives of civil administration could get together and work towards adopting viable modalities for the preservation and protection of environment and ecology in Ukhrul district.
The chief guest on the occasion was Brig AK Pandey,VSM, Commander 10 Sector Assam Rifles. Seminar was attended by heads of various social organisations and other prominent personalities. Mr T John, Officiating DC Ukhrul and Mr Kabib, SP Ukhrul too graced the occasion. The seminar started with a welcome address by Col Ved Beniwal, Commandant 17 Assam Rifles. During his opening remarks he thanked everyone for the continued and unstinted support to Assam Rifles because of which Assam Rifles has been able to carryout meaningful activities for the good of people all over Ukhrul Dist. He, however expressed deep concern over the deforestation activities which have led the environment, flora and fauna in the district on the verge of extinction and urged everyone to work unitedly and collectively towards the conservation of the environment and initiate such activities as would be able to compensate for decaying of environment and ecology in Ukhrul distt in the recent past. Dr Y L Mingthing and Mrs R Vashum who were the chairpersons during the each session, summed up the respective sessions. The seminar was conducted in two session.
This was followed by an interactive session in which all present brought out their points of view. The seminar ended with concluding remarks by Brig AK Pandey, VSM. The Commander HQ 10 Sector AR elaborated the need for collective efforts to tackle the threats emanating from climate change and emphasized on the need to live harmoniously with nature.
All present during the session expressed their gratitude and praised Assam Rifles for providing them a platform for sharing their views and finding ways and means to reinforce peace in Ukhrul. The seminar as brought out by the participants would definitely go a long way in creating sustainable development and conservation of natural resources and the ecosystem.
Source: Assam Rifles Official Site