Manipur: Experts’ Observation On a Successful Inner Line Permit


The impasse of the ongoing people’s movement for the enforcement of Inner Line Permit (ILP) in the state is still at a limbo as the state government is in an indeterminate state to put the law into effect.

The latest development, the state government’s earlier decision to consult the Central government and latter settled to reinforced the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation Act-1873, after keeping the mass almost in pandemonium, nevertheless, is a welcome move.

Meanwhile, in an interaction, experts from social, political and legal experts, put forward some precautionary measures to make the most sought law in the state, which is suppose to protect the socio-economic and cultural identity of the indigenous people.
Pointing out the need of enforcing ILP in Manipur, Sorokhaibam Jhaljit Singh, advocate, Imphal Bench- Gauhati High Court opined that,

“Our socialization process is different from other society, ILP is required to protect the social, cultural identity of the native people.”
Dr. Moirangthem Amarjeet Singh, Assistant Professor in School of Social Sciences in Bangalore’s National Institute of Advance Studies, suggested,

“Its a good colonial-era legislation, the problem lies with implementation.”

Pointing out that the entire Manipuri people including local police and other government authorities have their own role to make ILP a success in the state, Amarjeet, who is also an expert in contemporary conflict in North East India cautioned that

“This has been a failed experiment in Nagaland (Dimapur not included), Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh. Corruption in the local police is the main problem. If this is implemented in Manipur, the local police be the real beneficiary. The very purpose of ILP can never be fulfill in states like Manipur.”

Meanwhile, Communist Party of India state secretary M Nara Singh said,

“If we does not regulate the ILP timely, latter, the issue of ever increasing migrants would be a sentimental issue for the people of Manipur and even resulting into a havoc in the state.”

“What is required today ,may not be required after 10 years, so as to fulfill the purpose of it, even if we regulated the ILP today it should be amend from time to time” Nara added.
Contending that ILP is “state’s prestige” Nara said

“We should be clear about it that ILP does not mean total restricting of entering outsiders into the state but is to check the influx in a systematic way. On the on the other hand it could be a source of state revenue from the minimal tax levied on each permit.”

Manipur: Experts’ Observation On a Successful Inner Line Permit
Women folks of Kakwa Asem Leikai staging sit-in-protest decrying the act of arson at Ibochou Service Station on Tuesday : From our news archives

Stating that reinforcement of inner Line Permit and to protect indigenous people in the state is one of the key feature of the party, Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) State President, Sh. Shantikumar Sharma, said

“A large number of Bangladeshi Muslim are inhabitation in and around Jiribam which is a sub-division of Imphal East.”

From the political aspect of the ILP, the BJP President said that the sudden upsurge of immigrants bordering area of Myanmar and Bangladesh, especially in Jiribam and Moreh areas is a “threat” and if the state government is adamant to forbid the influx in those areas, in the long run it might lead to a political crisis.


  1. Our so called degreewise-educated people who use their skills and information learn from their education to satisfy their ego and greed would continue to enmass money, property and status and be invited a chief guest in many public forums .

  2. All the civilized nations were not like they are today. They faced the same problem we’re facing now. I mean people can change and so can we. The thing is we ought to think beyond time. If ILP is implemented then there will a time coming when it is properly utilized. To my humble opinion, the government should take up some steps to implement it, the sooner the better.

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