Naga Revolutionary front on NSCN-IM


IMPHAL, July 5(NNN): Another Naga underground outfit has come out sternly against the NSCN-IM on Thursday.

A day after the Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF)`s accusation of the Isak-Muivah group of the NSCN of practicing the anti-Naga policy, the Manipur Naga Revolutionary Front (MNRF) today alleged that wherever there is NSCN-IM, there is a problem.

MNRF publicity secretary Apam Ningshen informed Newmai News Network that in today`s world of Tangkhul community, every village or area has problem due to the involvement of the NSCN-IM in petty matters. “Whatever matter the NSCN-IM involves there is bound to be problems,” said Apam Ningshen. The MNRF then cautions that the NSCN-IM should hold the sole responsibility for any pandemonium at this juncture in Ukhrul district.

The Manipur Naga Revolutionary Front (MNRF) then made a wake up call to the general public and start analysing what damage the NSCN-IM has been doing to the people. The MNRF said if not realize now it is going to be late. The MNRF said the Tangkhul frontal organisations should understand the reality of things regarding the NSCN-IM`s dirty policy. The MNRF then asked the Tangkhul frontal organisations not to be one sided but strive for justice.

Coming to the June 30 incident of Phangrei in Ukhrul district where three villagers were killed in the inter-village land dispute, the MNRF appeals the concerned villages to solve the matter in the Christian spirit but not to be swayed by evil instigation from certain quarters.

The MNRF strongly condemed the incident and condoles the victims` families.


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