State yet to construct building for 5978 Anganwadi centres: Mirabai


IMPHAL, July 5: The state has 9496 Anganwadi centres out of which only 3189 centres have proper building, stated social welfare minister AK Mirabai while clarifying to the token cut raised by the opposition MLAs with regard to the passing of financial demand of social welfare department.

Opposition MLAs Kh Joykishan, Dr I Ibohanbi and L Ibomcha raised the cut motions. Dr Ibohanbi observed that the financial demand of social welfare department was not sufficient as the funds could be utilized only for the old-age pension and salaries of the department.

MLA Joykishan maintained that there are three self help groups (SHG) for various Anganwadi centres but the number of centres enrolled in these centres is different. The fund allocated to these centres also vary from centre to centre. One centre receives Rs. 78,000 while other centres receive Rs. 56,000. The amount of rice allocated to these centres also varies from centre to centre.

He also noted that the vacant post of one Anganwadi worker of Thangmeiband Yumnam Leikai has not been filled up so far.

Joykishan raised if the social welfare department could make mandatory for each and every child to get certificate from an Angandwadi Centre while getting admission to schools.

MLA Ibomcha also raised doubts over the transparency of allocating 10 kg of rice to 8590 beneficiaries of Old Age Pension.

Clarifying to the cut motions, minister AK Mirabai stated that there are 45,905 beneficiaries of old age pension and the amount of pension has been increased from Rs. 100 to 200 from November, 2011.

The total number of beneficiaries for National Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension is 72, 514 and the pension has been distributed regularly through DC/DSWO of the districts concerned, she asserted.

As to the question raised by MLA Joykishan regarding the distribution of materials to Anganwadi Centres with prior knowledge of the MLA concerned, the social welfare minister stated such provision does not exist in the rule, however, she would look into this matter.


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