UBSA, SAO register easy wins


IMPHAL, July 12: In today’s match of the 9th Leihao Devi memorial Super Division League Football Tournament, 2012, UBSA, Mantak and SAO, Kakching defeated their respective rivals at DSA ground Kakching.

In the first match of the day, United Brothers Sporting Association defeated Youth Welfare Union, YWU, Kakching with a 4-1 scoreline.

UBSA controlled the match with goals in regular intervals. Bedempar scored the opening match in just the 12th minute of starting play followed by Shelemthang in the 51st minute.

Ibomcha provided a consolation goal for his YWU club in the 52nd match.

The second half was more interesting for the winning team with Ngamneiring scoring a brace in a time span of just three minutes, in the 81st and 83rd minute.

The only heartache for UBSA was a caution against Ngamneiring in the last minute of play.

Meanwhile in the second match, SAO defeated its rival Kakching Football Club by an equal margin of 4-1.

Kiran scored the opening score for KFC in the 26th minute however their lead was equalised by Anilkumar in the next minute.

Second half belong to SAO with Rustam scoring two goals (53rd and 78th) and Boinao adding another in the last few minutes of play (86th) to finish the match with a 4-1 scoreline in the name of SAO.

Both teams however received two cautions each. Ales (69th) and Sachin (79th) for SAO and Jagat (52nd) and Sarat (76th) for KFC.

All irengband Football Association, AIFA, Irengband will meet Social Welfare Club, SWC Waikhong while SWC, Keirak will meet KFC on July 14 at the same ground.


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