AMUCO observes 15th Manipur Integrity day


IMPHAL, August 4: In memory of the mass rally held on August 4, 1997 to save the integrity of Manipur, 15th Manipur Integrity day was observed today at MDU Hall, Yaiskul Police Lane. The function was organized by All Manipur United Clubs’ Organization (AMUCO).

Leaders of various community paid floral tribute at the Integrity Pillar near polo ground in the morning.

President AMUCO KT Rahaman, President Irabot Foundation ThIboyaima, President PoreiLeimarolMeiraPaibiApunba Manipur L Memchoubi, President KukiWomens’ Union Manipur Rose MangshiHaokip, President Kabui Mothers’ Association Kakomlunglukameiand Coordination Committee of All Manipur Muslim Organization were the distinct personality on the dice and other leaders and representatives of Civil society organizations also participated with their speeches for the integrity of Manipur.

Advisor AMUCO Y Mani Khuman said that the different communities of Manipur must understand each other’s sentiments to bring unity amongst us. He said that conflict issues are to be sorted out in a civilized manner else it will end up rising more conflict amongst the people of Manipur which vantage to the elements that stands to disintegrate the territory of Manipur.

President International Peace and Advancement (IPSA) said that the crises faced within the territory of Manipur in the past are not communal instead ethnic crisis. He added that the proposal by NSCN-IM for supra state is nothing but to provoke and intend to disintegrate the territory of Manipur.

President United Committee Manipur (UCM) Y Naba said that when he recollects his memory of the mass rally back in 1997 for the integrity of Manipur, he feels that the people of Manipur has the guts to sacrifice for the unity. He said that another huge mass rally was also carried out in September 8, 2000 for the unity of Manipur. He added that until we stand united territory of Manipur will never fall apart.

Chairman Committee on Human Rights (COHR) KeisamPhunindrosaid that we need to understand who are to unite with for integrity and we need to comb the internal and external forces disintegrating the unity of Manipur. He added that the ethnic groups living together in Manipur from the past many decades are the communities to unite for integrity in Manipur. He further said that after the British imperialism, their policy of divide and rule is still practiced by the GOI. He said that the draconian laws are implemented by the government which blunts right to life.

President AMUCO KT Rahaman said that the people of hills and valley need to unite as one to preserve integrity of Manipur. He added that integrity campaigns in association with hill people will organize in different hill areas. He said that AMUCO and UCM jointly carried out many campaigns in the past for the integrity and further said that other organizations, NGOs need to unite and stand for the integrity of Manipur. He lamented that NSCN-IM has carry out many inhuman activities in the territory of Manipur like extortion; kidnappings etc in the back of cease fire. He said that districts of Senapati and Ukhrul will never separate at any cost form the state of Manipur. He added that the KukiInpi and Naga UNC need to unite and should join in this integrity movement of Manipur.


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