Best rotary club award among eleven countries


IMPHAL, August 5: Rotary Club of Imphal has been awarded the BEST ROTARY CLUB among Eleven  (11) Countries comprising the ‘Zone 6’ of Rotary International. Rotary International  Zone 6 consists of India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos,  Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand. There area total of 1428 Rotary Clubs in these eleven countries.  The Changemaker Winner award for zone six was conferred to Rotary Club of Imphal by the Rotary  International President, Kalyan Bannerjee, the 3rd Indian to head the world’s oldest service club, from its HQ at Chicago, USA.

The award has been in recognition of the humanitarian and Community service undertaken  by Rotary Club of Imphal since its inception in 1974. Silently contributing its role to  humanitarian projects, Rotary Club of Imphal has been running several regular community  service for years which include – Free Oxygen Cylinder Service, Free Computer Training,  Free Sewing! Embroidery Training, Mega Medical camps, Child Insurance programmes for thousands of students, Regular Nutrition programme at Children Home, Scholarships to  students of children home, Annual Tree Plantation projects. Rotary Club of Imphal has been  also generously participating in the global Polio Eradication Programme, an initiative of  Rotary International. In addition Distribution of wheelchair & hearing aids has been an annual event.

Rotary Club of Imhal has been honouring, every year, with various annual awards which  include – The Rotary Sportsperson of the Year, Rotary Meritorious Civil Constable, Rotary  Media person of the year, Rotary Best Traffic Police , Rotary Best Nurse, Rotary Best  Fireman and also have been giving away various annual Vocational awards as well Senior  Citizen awards . Rotary Club of Imphal has been also proudly supporting visually challenged & acclaimed singer Sunita Nepram by offering an annual scholarship for the past two decades.

Rotary Club of Imphal has been also recommending candidates for the Rotary Fellowship for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution at the 7 international universities.

Organising The Rotary Inter school painting competition has been also an annual event.

The Heart to Heart Project, arranging free operation for children and the winning of the National Film Award for the Best Science & Technology film highlighting Congenital Heart Defects has been indeed the culmination of the long silent humanitarian service rendered by Rotary Club of Imphal.



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