Gadkari to visit state on Aug 22


IMPHAL,  Aug 4 (UNA): BJP National President, Nitin Gadkari will be arriving here in Imphal on August 22 to attend the grand reception of around 25,000 people including 25 prominent persons who had newly joined the BJP Manipur Pradesh said P. Chandrashekher Rao, Zonal organisation secretary, NE states BJP on Saturday.

P. Chandrashekher Rao who arrives here in Imphal today to look after the background preparation of the BJP Manipur Pradesh, ahead of Nitin Gadkari, visit, was talking to the UNA in the sideline after the meeting with state BJP leaders this afternoon.

BJP National President, Nitin Gadkari, visit will be of one day only on 22 August for the grand reception programme which will be held at the BJP office complex, Nityaipat Chuthek, said Zonal organisation secretary.

For the grand reception, two committee bodies has been form today, one is called Organisation committee and will be headed by S.Rajen Singh ex-minister and the other one is Mobilization committee which will be led by M.Bhorot ex-MLA, it also includes those prominent persons who newly joined BJP in the mobilization committee.

BJP will contact all non-congress political leaders in all the 60 assembly constituency of the state before 2014 to join BJP and will form village committee at the maximum, verses against the congress said Rao.

Enrolment to the BJP will be ended on 10 August and we are expecting around 25,225 people from different part of the state.

P.Chandrashekher Rao will visit New Delhi on 06 August and give the details of the preparation of the state to Nitin Gadkari.

In the meantime, O.Malesh Singh who contested last 10th assembly election in CPI ticket joined BJP yesterday evening said a source from BJP.


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