Irabanta JAC blames sluggish govt


IMPHAL, August 17: The JAC against the alleged kidnapping of Irabanta by NSCN (IM) alongwith several civil society organizations of the state today staged a sit in protest at the Keishampat Lairembi Shanglen expressing strong disapproval over the callousness of the state government regarding the investigation the case.

The JAC has also condemned the free hand given to the NSCN (IM) to carry out its mischievous activities in the state where the ceasefire is not operational.

Speaking on the sideline of the protest demonstration, a member of the JAC said that the instead of relying in delaying tactics the state government should ensure immediate release of Irabanta who has been missing since May 27.

The demonstrators had also submitted a memorandum to the state Governor, Union Home Minister and the state Home Minister.

The memorandum while narrating the details of the case said Irungbam Irabanta Meitei, 38 son of (Late) I Kerani Meitei of Nongdam Maning Leikai, Lamlai, Imphal East left his rented residence from Porompat for Ukhrul on May 27, 2012 along with one Winner of Ukhrul on his White Gypsy bearing regd no MN )1K 2171. He has been missing since then.

The memorandum has also reiterated its previous demands which were taken as resolutions during its July 26 meeting.

The resolutions say that the JAC condemns the callousness and delaying tactics of the government of Manipur in delivering justice in the case and that the government should ensure immediate and safe rescue of Irungbam Irabanta.

Other resolutions include demands for booking and punishing the key suspects/conspirers in the abduction of Iranbanta without any further delay.

The memorandum has also expressed the frequent involvement of the militant outfit NSCN (IM) in intimidation and criminal activities in Manipur.

It has also condemned the free hand given to the NSCN (IM) to carry out its mischievous activities in the state where the ceasefire is not operational and the militant outfit’s stoic silence over the case. The JAC has also demanded the NSCN (IM) to come out with an official statement on its involvement in the case.

It ended with a stern warning of stronger modes of protest and movements incase the government fail to pay heed to the demands and concerns of the JAC and the civil societies.


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