Nepalese/Gorkhas demand inclusion in Hills district


IMPHAL, Aug 6  (UNA): The five Gorkha villages in Saikul sub-divisional, Senapati district said they will not participate in the up coming Panchayats/Zilla Parisads Elections and demanded to include in Hills areas said Danraj Rai, Chairman, Five Gorkhas village on Monday.

Since 1957 the Nepalese/Gorkhas are living in the Saikul areas and even in 1974 ADC election they have contested, but for the last 20 years the ADC was defunct so we were included in the valley district for a development.

But for the last two decades there is nothing development for us, so we want to be include in hills areas for our development said Danraj.

Memorandum was submitted to the Governor and Chief Secretary demanding inclusion in the hills is under ADC.

Danraj further clarified that, they are not under any pressure from any organization in demanding to include in hills areas.

Letpu Haokip president, Committee on Protection of Tribal Areas, Manipur  (CoPTAM) who was present in the press conference said that , COPTAM would like to state once again that the coming Panchayats/Zilla Parishads elections cannot be held in hill areas where ADCs election have been conduct.

In this regard, no person (s) staying within the ADCs constituencies/administrations should not be a candidate in the coming Panchayat/Zilla Parishad elections. And those persons who are electors of ADC constituencies shall not cast their vote and should not get involved in any-related activities.

As desired by the Nepalese/Gorkhas of Saikul Area for inclusion in the Hill administration, the government should take up immediate actions for keeping them (Nepalese/Gorkhas) under the hill administration in accordance with their memorandum submitted to the state government in this regard.

So, COPTAM, therefore fully endorses the stand of the Nepali community for the sake of development, peaceful co-existence and administrative convenience said Thangkam Lupheng who was also present in the conference.

The press conference was also attended by the Kuki Innpi Saikul, KSO Saikul.


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