NESO warns governments for immediate measures


IMPHAL August 17: North East Students Organisation (NESO), the umbrella organization of different Students Unions of the North Eastern States today appeals to the Union Government and respective State Governments for immediate and effective measures for mental, physical and social security for the people of the NE Region residing in different parts of the country.

Mentioning the ongoing atrocities, assaults on the students and working people of the region in different parts of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra, NESO today demands intervention of Prime Minister and Home Minister of India for ensuring proper security for the people.

“It is very unfortunate that there have been frequent incidents of discrimination, atrocities faced by people from the North-East studying or living in different parts of the nation. It is a matter of serious concerns that in last few days, there have been frequent unwanted incidents of killing, assaults, and threatening on the people of NE region in different parts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra.”

“The situation has become so intense and serious that students, as well as persons earning their livelihood with jobs like Security Guards, Salespersons etc from these regions are fleeing away from those places facing unwanted trauma and insecurity.”

“Although such incidents have been denounced by the governments at different levels, North East communities continue to suffer shock and panic as unabated attack and assault continues to their communities. The people are in panic and feeling deep insecurity.”

NESO asks the question to the Prime Minister and Home Minister- “While in the same Country India, people who denounce Pakistani extremism and Jehadi groups are termed and considered as Patriots, WHY on the other hand, people who oppose illegal Bangladeshi migration are being threatened, attacked, and killed? This has forcibly resulted a feeling of discrimination, alienation on the minds of the people of this region.” NESO`s firm demand-each and every illegal foreigners must be deported from the region.

“This is not the storage place for illegal foreigners, and it is not at all tolerable that the Union Government does not take any effective step for detection and deportation of illegal foreigners from this region. We will not allow continuing this situation and all illegal foreigners must leave this region,” NESO states.

Being the representative of Northeast, and in the capacity of Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh is morally duty bounded, and accountable to the people of the region for an immediate effective action regarding this situation, giving justice to the people of the North East Region.

NESO today sends demand letters to the Prime Minister, Home Minister of India, and Chief Ministers of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra to intervene urgently and to do the needful for urgent effective measures by the appropriate authorities, which could give mental, social and physical security to the people of the North Eastern region residing in other parts of the country. NESO demands proper and swift high level enquiry of the ongoing incidents and to give exemplary punishments to the criminals associated.

NESO also demands ensuring proper security for safe return of the people, and ensuring proper immediate measures for creating comfortable and secured environment for the people in trauma and danger.

NESO also appeals the Chief Ministers of the North Eastern States for taking serious concerns and actions regarding the issues, and demands that the North Eastern State Governments should take collective and serious actions for forcing the Union Government and concerned State Governments for immediate ensuring of security of the people and punishing the culprits.


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