Manipur Amateur Photo Club observes World Photography day held


IMPHAL, August 19: The Manipur Amateur Photo Club, MAPC observed the World Photography Day today at the Manipur Press Club bringing together the photography community of Manipur including journalists and film makers.

August 19 has been chosen for the observation as the first announcement was made on August 19, 1839.

During the observation 12 photographers of the state were honoured including seven posthumously for their contribution in the field of photography. While mementos were presented to the five veteran photographers, floral tributes were paid to the seven late pioneer photographers of the state.

The seven posthumously honoured photographers are (L) G Narayan Sharma, (L) Gurumayum Rabindra Sharma, (L) Kongbrailatpam Ibohal Sharma, (L) Moirangthem TOmbi, (L) Laimayum Daoji Sharma, (L) Asem Sudarshan (Techa) and (L) Phurailatpam Babachand Sharma.


The Manipur Amateur Photo Club, MAPC observed the World Photography Day today at the Manipur Press Club bringing together the photography community of Manipur including journalists and film makers.
The Manipur Amateur Photo Club, MAPC observed the World Photography Day today at the Manipur Press Club bringing together the photography community of Manipur including journalists and film makers. Group Photo. Photo Courtesy: Moirangthem Ranjit, MAPC

The function was attended by Works & Transport, Minister Dr Kh Ratan Kumar, All Manipur Working Journalist Union president A Mobi, Imphal Free Press resident editor Irengbam Arun, ISTV chief editor Y Rupachandra and president Manipur Amateur Photo Club Yambem Laba as chief guest, president and guests of honour, respectively.

Treasurer MAPC Ratan Luwang in his speech delivered the desire to have a photography institution in Manipur while joint secretary MAPC Moirangthem Ranjit in his speech exposed the participants of the observation to the history of the variety of photography and cameras available in the market till today.

President AMWJU A Mobi said that photography is an important aspect of journalist, however one must be very careful as a photograph speaks a thousand words and it could be interpreted wrongly which could lead to public chaos.

IFP, resident editor Irengbam Arun lauded MAPC and Royal Riders of Manipur for their enthusiasm in their fields of work. He called for the need of a photo gallery to archive the historic images of Manipur. He further appealed AMWJU to organize an orientation course for the photojournalists with the help of MAPC.

Chief Editor ISTV Yumnam Rupachandra lauded ex Governor of Manipur O N Srivastava for his patronage in promoting photo club in Manipur.

He said photography in today’s electronic world can link the whole world and added that impact driven photography takes a different skill.

Minister works & transport Dr Kh Ratan Kumar said that as a legislator the need for photography is very important as it tells many things and could convince anyone easily without a word.

He described photography as a very powerful tool and that one has to use it with responsibility.

Further he added that as a patron member of MAPC, he would extend his support for the development of the club.

President MAPC Yambem Laba shared his experiences as a photojournalist which took him to recognition even in the international platform.


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