College teachers lose trust in EM


IMPHAL, Sept 5: The All Manipur College Teachers’ Association in a press statement has expressed their resentment towards the Education Minister and said that they are losing trust in him.

According to a release of AMCTA, a felicitation programme of the Education Minister was held on July 1 at Imphal College. At the function the young Minster had promised to look into the higher education sector starting from that day to fulfil its needs, it said.

It continued that due to assembly session the teachers waited. After the assembly session ends, representatives of AMCTA had a meeting with the Minister at his office chamber on July 16, where the representatives placed their demands which are immediately in need.

In response to that, the Minister called in the concern officials and directed them to finish off the pending works of the teachers.

On hearing that the teachers were pleased by his response and though that finally they have found an honest person who has concern for the teachers, it said.

It further continued that now is September month but unfortunately those promises made on that day have not been fulfilled yet.

The two month salary for teachers is still pending and others demands are still awaited, it said.   

It has also urged all college teachers to come united to solve the issue leaving behind their differences and said that only then the people will respect us and the Minister will hear our voices.    


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