Gun-fight victims identified; relatives contradict police claim


IMPHAL, September 9: The two dead bodies lying in the RIMS morgue since September 5 late night have been identified today by relatives.

The two were allegedly killed by Imphal West commandos at Saheibung village under Gamnom Sapermeina Police station during an alleged gun fight. The police had claimed the two to be unidentified UG cadres.

The two have been identified as Takhellambam Romario, 18 son of Okendro and Laishram Rajeshwor, 22 son of Kiran both of Pangei Yangdong.

Contradictory to the police claim, relatives claimed that Romario who was a KYKL cadre had surrendered before the police some five years back. Since then he was cleared of every charges by the police. It was also claimed that Rajeshwor is not a UG cadre and he had just accompanied Romario for their work place.

Family members continued that since his surrender to the state police, Romario was working as a mason and on September 5 when the alleged gun-fight is supposed to occurred, he had left early morning for his Malom workplace alongwith Rajeshwor.

The family members also informed that Romario had eloped with a girl on September 3 bringing the girl home and on September 5, the girl had talked to him on his mobile till 10am.

Since 2pm of that day, his mobile has remained switch off, they added.

The dead bodies were later handed over to the police after post mortem was conducted at the RIMS mortuary.


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