Minister inspects DM college campus


IMPHAL, September 9: A weeklong social service inside the Dhanamanjuri College campus was inaugurated today. The inaugural of the social service was attended by the State Education Minister and the Thangmeiband MLA.

The inaugural was also participated by the students of the three streams of the college.

Minister Okendro and local MLA also inspected the surrounding areas of the college during the function.

Speaking after the inspection, Okendro Singh said the present condition of the college is pathetic considering the fact that the government is trying to convert the college to a dean university.

At such a juncture, the local MLA, local NGOs and the students of the college should try to keep the campus clean as a first step, he said.

He continued that the one week long social service has been planned as part of the first step.

He said that all buildings constructed inside the college campus without proper planning will be demolished and if the need arise then he will take the issue before the cabinet.

He would, however seek the matter to be completed at the administrative level, he said.

He expressed that no new pattas will be issued inside the college campus and said that the matter has already been communicated to the state Chief Minister urging the CM to scrutinise the settlement record on this issue.

He continued that to group the hostels of Commerce at one location, the OBC boys hostel will be converted to girls’ hostel and the condition of the boys’ hostel will be looked into.

All required infrastructure of the college will be looked into and added that, he will inspect the college campus every month.

Meanwhile, local MLA, Joykishan said that basketball courts or handball, volleyball courts would be constructed at the empty spaces available inside the college campus.

The Imphal Municipal Council provided two Tata dippers, two Magic Tatas and a JCB while MLA Joykishan provided a JCB, two dippers for the social service.


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