25 year old charges three boys of abduction


IMPHAL, Oct 7(NNN): A 25 years old girl from Tamenglong district has filed an FIR at Noney police station of the district yesterday alleging that three boys had abducted her on September 10 to outrage her modesty but till date the kidnappers are at large.

Mary (name changed) of Luangjang of Noney police station in her complaint alleged that Mr. Languangmei Gonmei (25) s/o Mr. Majagui Gonmei, Mr. Jessy Kamei (30) s/o Mr. Sanki Kamei of Longmai peaceland and Mr. S.K Nathan (24) s/o Mr. SK Adipou of Khumji from Longmai (Noney) bazaar in a Santro car bearing Regd. No.MN-04A/3989.

Mary was staying in a rented house with her siblings  who are studying in a school at Longmai (Noney) Bazar for about two years.

“I have been searching for a suitable room/place in the Longmai (Noney) bazaar for running a tailoring works with an intention to supplement my parents income to look after my siblings. On that fateful day when I was enquiring one room for doing my works, the three guys mentioned above out of sudden came in a car and forcefully pushed and pulled me inside the said car, abducted and whisked me away towards Imphal side. I have resisted with my total strength and screamed with full throttle in order to alert the passers-by and local people so as to come and rescue me and to secure my life. During my struggle to secure my life, I bit one of them, hit them with any available tools inside the vehicle, grabbed the wheel steering and even spat them. I felt exhausted due to long struggle for my security and I also suffered injury on my body and legs with profusely bleeding. They tried to whisk away towards Imphal but finding Assam Rifles post just after crossing the Longmai bazaar, they drove uphill towards the Longmai part-II of secluded areas. The local people and some students who are alerted by my screaming gathered in groups and intercepted the car of which we were travelling at Longmai part-II which is about 3 km from the place where I was abducted and I was finally rescued by them at 10:30 pm,” she mentioned in her complaint.

Mary alleged that to abduction was clearly to outrage her modesty with an attempt to commit rape, attempt to murder and other criminal activities upon her. “I had elaborately relayed the whole happening to my parents and also reported to the elders of my village. Subsequently, the elders of my Village Authority summoned the persons involved in incident for two times i.e. 14th, 17th September, 2012 to settle accordance to the Inpui people community customary and tradition. Failure on the part of the accused persons to appear to the summoned had referred the matter to the Longmai Bazar Board with the Longmai Bazar Board had also summoned the accused persons on 24th September, 2012 but failed to appear again thereby the Longmai Bazar Board redirected the the matter the Village Authority of my village. The Village Authority again issued summoned on 3rd October, 2012 but the accused persons did not appear,” she further alleged.

That, on October 5, the Longmai Village (Pei) summoned one Mr. Namjaigai Pamei, Finance Secretary, Zeliangrong Student Union (ZSU) Longmai Area who is one of the persons amongst the rescue team to appear. “The said person appeared but he was severely beaten up by the accused parties while the discussion was going one at the village Pei. Mr. Namjaigai was badly hurt with seven stitches on his head. I strongly condemned the incident,” Mary further mentioned in her FIR and begs, “The law enforcing agency and concern authority is appealed to register the matter and book the perpetrators and punish the accused persons in accordance to the law of the land for their criminal offences committed on me at the earliest for the ends of justice”.


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