56 bogus job cards deleted in Ukhrul


By Our Ukhrul Correspondent
UKHRUL, October 26: Altogether 56 MNREGS bogus job card holders’ of Choithar village, Ukhrul district have been deleted by the Ukhrul District administration during a GPS’s(Global Positioning System) “sleuth drive” on verification of genuine job card holders following a directive from the High Court dated September 4, 2012.

The verification team was led by the deputy Commissioner, R Sudhan.

Sources claimed the inspection was conducted following complaints from villagers regarding misappropriation of MGNREGS funds.

In response to the directive on the court’s order, the Ukhrul district administration including all the Sub-Divisional Officers and administrative staff had a day before conducted a joint verification with the help of GPS. This facsimile or sophisticated technological device coordinates the exact geographical position of a particular house that belongs to the job card holder.

The 56 bogus card holders’ names were cancelled during the final round of the job card verification drive at Choithar village in the North East of Ukhrul district bringing down the number of valid card holders to 217 from 273 under the MNREGS guideline “one card, one household”.


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