Basic input items distributed to women weavers


IMPHAL, October 22: Commerce and Industry Minister Govindas Konthoujam distributed basic input items to the women weavers of Sekta Handloom Cluster at a simple function organized by District Handloom and Textile, Imphal East at Sekta Awang Leikai under Lamlai Assembly Constituency.   

The minster distributed rupees 12,000 each and basic input items to 10 self-help groups of Sekta Handloom Cluster.

The function was attended by Minister Govindas Konthoujam, MLA of Lamlai A/C Ksh Biren, Additional Director, Commerce and Industries, V Toulthang and officer on special duty (handloom), Meenakumari as the chief guest, president and guests of honour respectively.

Addressing the function as chief guest, Minister Govindas said that Manipur holds 3th rank in the country regarding handloom activities and the credit goes to the women weavers of the state. The women weavers of the state are no less than any other weavers in the country.

He further said that the Mechanized Dying Centre will be soon functioning and added that a Mega Cluster and a Handloom/Textile park too will be coming up shortly.   


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