Fear reigns Tamenglong district headquarters


IMPHAL, Oct 15 (NNN): Fear psychosis has gripped Tamenglong district headquarters for the last 2-3 days following the reported reinforcement of the NSCN-IM cadres on one hand and the Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF) and NSCN -K cadres combined on the other, following multiple clashes between the two opposing groups on two occasions, September 26 and October 2 last.

Public are apprehensive of another showdown between the opposing groups which has become more and more imminent with every passing day.

Things have been highly charged after the NSCCN-IM and ZUF/NSCN-K combined clash at Matung village, about 10 Kms from the district headquarters of Tamenglong on September 26 last which again was followed by a shoot-out between the two ossposing groups on October 2 which killed a carpenter, Jaikanlung Gangmei (42), son of Namsong of ward number 3 at Tamenglong headquarters.

This finally resulted in the strong resolution passed for the non-cooperation against the militants adopted by the people on October 4 in a public meeting. The victim, a father of three children was killed in the crossfire at the district headquarters while trying to see the safety and security of his children.

In response, police and Assam Rifles personnel were said to have conducted operation in the area to clear it of militants on October 2 last, however, now reinforcement from the oppsosing militant groups had greatly alarmed the public with each passing days.

It may be recalled that following the incidents, panic stricken rsidents of Tamenglong headquarters raised a alarm on October 8 last with educational institutions and offices not functioning properly and shops too downed their shutters.  As rumours became rife, ZUF anf NSCN-K combined also warned the public to vacate a place called Piggery Farm so that the civilians were not put at risk. Residents responded by vacating their dwellings while concerned organisations in vehicles used loud-speakers, asking militants not to do anything that hurt the sentiments of the public.

In fact, following the incident, public went on a rampage on October 2, hunting down militants and their houses and further in response a public meeting on October 4 resolved not to pay `taxes` to all the militant groups as non-cooperation with immediate effect and had told the NSCN-IM to pay Rs 50 lakhs as compensation based on the public`s decision laying the onus of the victim`s death as from its bullets, while the ZUF and NSCN-K combined were also told to pay a fine of Rs 40 lakhs to the victim`s family. The JAC formed in this connection also submitted a memorandum to the chief minister through the deputy commissioner on October 4 last to `see` to it that no militants sneak into the district headquarters.


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