Foundation day held


IMPHAL, October 7: The 9th Foundation Day of the Momnu Eerikkhombee Lup was held today at Uttra Sanglen Sana Konung.

The function was attended by Sawumbung College, Lecturer Naoroibam Amengba, HERICOUN advisor, Dr Keisham Bheigyachandra and MEEKHOL, President Ima Akoijam Janaki Leima as chief guest, guest of honour and president respectively.

During the function, a souvenir titled Ningshing Chephong, 9th Foundation Day of Meekhol was also released during the function.

Several speakers echoed in their speeches that the present generation of women in the state have neglected the beauty of the past culture of our society.  Since woman is considered the face of a society, they have to maintain an outlook which will showcased our vast and beautiful culture.

Blindly aping the western civilization without understanding its pros and cons have brought a devastating impact on our youths discipline and manners, a speaker had added.

Most speakers also argued that woman has a great role in our society and they need to understand it.

They were also of the view that it is time for the people especially the women folk to understand the beauty of our past cultures and revive it.

Elaborating further on the roles of the woman folk, another speaker had expressed that woman has the power and means to fill in the divide which is visible amongst the different communities of our state.


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