IM helds consultative meet


DIMAPUR, October 25 (Newmai Network Network): The first consultative of the NSCN-IM after the arrival of Swu and Muivah to Camp Hebron was held today participated by top ranking leaders of the army and the civil leaders of the outfit where it had endorsed the August 14 stand of the outfit that before signing any agreement with New Delhi, the leaders of the outfit will come back to the Naga people for consultation.

Given this development, it is wondered whether Muivah and Swu are here now to consult the people before inking an agreement. This is to say whether the NSCN-IM leaders will sign the settlement paper soon? This speculation was not confirmed. Today`s consultative meeting was only for the NSCN-IM.

In the meeting, the `house` unanimously said that the solution sought by the NSCN-IM collective leadership is in the correct path and the `house` endorsed the `collective leadership` of the outfit on this count, the sources said.

Meanwhile, a separate source said consultative meetings called the “home consultations” will begin soon involving NSCN-IM chairman Isak Swu and its general secretary Th Muivah with the Naga frontal bodies.

On October 18, Th Muivah had told the waiting media persons at Dimapur airport that “the ball is now in the court of the government of India.” He had also commented on that day that “about the solution, we cannot say, but it is sure that the progress is there and of course, the government of India is also more serious and we are hopeful that something honourable will be achieved.”


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