Namching villagers against land for AR


IMPHAL, October 13: Residents and locals of Mahakabui Namching village have vehemently objected to the proposed eviction of land from their village to construct and set up an Army camp within the vicinity.

Meeting with the press today at the Community hall of the Namching Baptist church, the residents including men, women and children strongly stood their ground and affirmed they are ready to give their life to save their said village land.

Rajanglung Gangmei, a spokesperson of the village stated the village has been in existence since the early 1960 (1963-64) with more than 1000 residents with more than 140 surnames and families.

He further stated the government of Manipur has already allotted a total land of 209.98 acres to the 9 sector Assam Rifles.

These areas were previously used for jhumland cultivation, spice cultivation and vegetable for their own consumption. It also includes 42.59 acres of reserved forest pine tree area and another 35.12 acres meant for agriculture wet paddy field.

Over and above the state government is still trying to give away another total area of 24.515 acres to the Assam Rifles as a compensation land of their firing range when the Capitol project started in Chingmeirong area where the firing range previously located.

The local resident and representatives of the MakaKabui villages had already submitted a memorandum seeking the cancellation of eviction order to allot lands to the Assam Rifles.


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