Nupi Samaj urges for proper “Bor” observation


IMPHAL, October 11: The Nupi Samaj Welfare Association has urged the state authority to do the needful for a successful and peaceful observation of the forthcoming  “Bor-Numeet” day on October 22.

In a statement, the nupi samaj expressed the need to light up the area and the connecting link road towards the temple at Hiyangthang starting from Phuramakhong Nambul Mapal, a distance of about one and a half kilometer stress of road.

Local residents and many who wished to partake the occasion usually take the route on foot upto the temple for the occasion to pray with men, women and children of all age throng the road. With no proper light to light up the approach road will be a big hurdle for those who come for the occasion, the statement said and added, the authority must come up with a solution to this to light up the road.

It also urged the community to help prevent the use of illicit drugs and alcohol within the area and avoid any unwanted incidence and unable observe the day peacefully.


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