`Outside influence harming Lai Haraoba`


IMPHAL, October 25: Outside influence is slowly but surely changing the face of the traditional ‘Lai Haraoba’ in the state today, said Umang Lai Kanba Apunba Lup, UKAL members.

Speaking on the issue during a press conference today, UKAL Organizing Committee chairman, Ng Kangia Mangang said “Laiharaoba” is an ancient art form which reflects the culture of Manipur.

Expressing concern over the introduction of cassette dance and other influences from other art forms into the Lai Haraoba, he said the traditional art form is as ancient as our history goes back and as such reflects our identity and culture to the outside world.

Introducing outside culture into our own will only harm our culture in the long run, he expressed.

Continuing on the issues that the age old ‘Lai Haraoba’ is facing today, the UKAL chairperson said that it is not only outside influence that is harming the art form and said there are certain elements in our society today who seem to have forgotten their roots.

He elaborated that it is often reported during Lai Haraoba celebrations that certain individuals in an inebriated condition misbehave with the priestesses who are performing inside the Lai Haraoba venues.

There are also certain priest and priestess who have modified the Lai Haraoba performance on their own whims adding certain lyrics and dialogues with the aim to entertain the spectators.

He clarified that the Lai Haraoba is not just an art form to entertain the public but it is also a religious ritual and that no one is authorised to modify it. 

Meanwhile, he also expressed that the UKAL has taken an initiative to check if any unethical pattern is practiced during Lai Haraoba in the state and to safeguard the interest and future of Lai Haroaba.

Meanwhile, UKAL will be organizing its fourth Mega Annual Conference on October 28 to mull over the issues.


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