PS Amin promises to rain PDS


IMPHAL, October 13: A reception ceremony of the newly appointed Parliamentary Secretary of MOBC & SC and Science and Technology, Md Amin Shah at Kshtri Mayai Leikai ABA ground community hall in Imphal East district.

The reception ceremony was organized by Kshetrigao Block Congress Committee (KBCC), Imphal East District.   

Speaking at the function, the newly appointed Parliamentary Secretary said that without differentiating AY or BPL card holders or card holders or not, the PDS items will be distributed abundantly and equally. 

Md Amin Shah, who is also the chairman of Haj committee, Manipur, further said that the All India Haj Committee has agreed to increase the actual state’s quota of 156 seats by 372 seats, after he requested them.   

The distribution of form for taking loan under MOBC was stop by him after it was found that the form was sold in black for rupees 200 by some miscreants, which is supposed to be distributed for free. And also people from other district had to travel all the way to Imphal to get the form which is unnecessary, he said.

But from coming Monday the forms will be distributed to all the districts headquarters to avoid selling the form in black and also to avoid unnecessary transport charges to get the form by coming here in Imphal, he further said.  

Under the Science and Technology department, solar lamps will be distributed to remote areas in the state and also under the Prime Minister’s 15 points programme, many new schemes will be coming up, he will make sure that these programmes will benefit the people, he said.

A sum of rupees 30 lakh has been sanctioned by the government to dig a pond for drinking water at Sabal Leikai, he added.


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