PSDC 4th foundation day held


IMPHAL, October 8: The 4th foundation day of Private Schools’ Development Council, PSDC Thoubal district and its annual prize distribution ceremony was held today at the Paradise English School, Thoubal Okram.

The function was attended by Minister Agriculture and fishery Md Abdul Nasir, Sugunu MLA K Ranjit

Singh and Secretary Council of Hr Sec Education Manipur, Dr Hamom Nabachandra Singh as chief guest, guest of honour and president, respectively.

Dr Hamom Nabachandra said that in Manipur CCE or Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation has been newly implemented in 2011 to bring out good students.

He said the 2013 academic results will show the effects of this system.

He continued that in case the exam result of 2013 turns out bad then the CCE may be scalped.

He said it is also a challenge for the teachers to render good education and produce good students from the state.

He wished PSDC will sure facilitate welfare of the students as well as teachers of pvt schools of the state.

K Ranjit in his speech said govt schools in Manipur have failed to provide proper education to the students hence leaning to pvt schools are the only means for students of the state to receive quality education.

He continued academic results in the state have seen an upsurge because of public schools and added all India topper MD Ismat is one good example.

He said teachers in Govt schools are earning Rs 30-40 thousand as salary and yet they are reluctant to send their wards to

govt schools instead they send their children to pvt schools to study.

He said such teachers are examples which show that govt schools are drastically lacking behind in providing quality education in the state and further he said the government need to take up action against such teachers.

He further contributed Rs 10000 to PSDC.


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