ANSAM on ATSUM revival issue


SENAPATI, November 22 (Newmai News Network): The All Naga Students Association, Manipur, ANSAM has atlast broken its silence on the snowballing All Tribal Students Union Manipur, ATSUM revival issue saying it is has become necessary to set the record straight in view of recent public statements that have been issued in connection with the constitution of the All Tribal Students’ Union of Manipur, ATSUM team.

“The All Naga Students’ Association, Manipur, ANSAM was not informed and unaware of November 2, 2012 formation of ATSUM as declared in the media. We were also not consulted on the constitution of the `interim body` for overseeing the formation of ATSUM that reportedly took place on November 13 and therefore cannot be a party to that formation,” the ANSAM said today.

While ANSAM is for resolving all outstanding issues among the constituents of ATSUM and revival of an all tribal student body, “it is our appeal to all concerned that the office of ANSAM may not be dragged into controversies without our consent and endorsement. We are totally committed to the ideal of ATSUM and strengthening of ATSUM and will continue to extend all out support to the ATSUM as has always been done in the past,” the Naga students` body added.

“Despite the momentary differences, we will not shy away from working for the welfare of the tribals at large till such time we can collectively and inclusively struggle together under a legitimately and unanimously installed ATSUM,” ANSAM stated


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