Home coming for Haj Pilgrims


IMPHAL, Nov 16: With the completion of the Haj pilgrimage at Mecca of Saudi Arabi, the state pilgrims would start returning from tomorrow. The pilgrims would start landing the Tulihan Airport, Imphal from 9:30 am.

The secretary and the executive officer of Manipur State Haj Committee, Syed Wahidur Rahman told IPF that a total number of 372 individuals joined this year pilgrimage, and six have already returned prior after the pilgrimage.

Meanwhile, a total number of 166 pilgrims including women have already landed Guwahati airport yesterday from a Saudi Airlines as a second phase and 200 consecutively as third phase. And currently a total number of 366 pilgrims have reached Guwahati.

On reaching safe and sound at the Guwahati Airport by the pilgrims, the parliamentary Secretary of MOBC and SC and the chairperson state Haj committee, MLA Md. Amin Shah, Director of MOBC and SC Kh Dineshchandra Singh, Executive officer cum Secretary Wahidur Rahaman welcomes all the pilgrimage on returning after successful completion.

All the said pilgrims would catch different flight from Guwahati to land Imphal, and the Haj committee further express that they have also appeals the state authority to provide security measure at Tulihan Airport.


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