Kuki Chiefs Association resolved


IMPHAL, Nov 3(NNN): The Kuki Chiefs` Association Manipur (KCAM) today convened `an emergency` meeting on various tribal rights at B.Vengnom Community Hall, Churachandpur district headquarters and took three resolutions.

The first resolution said the chiefs presented in the meeting unanimously resolved to pursue the lands rights and chiefs rights with the apex body of the Kukis i.e Kuki Inpi. For that Kuki Chiefs’ Association Manipur (KCAM) is entrusted to pursue land rights and chieftainship rights.

The second resolution has been to pursue the resolution of October 30, 2012, i.e resolution of Committee on Protection of Tribal Areas Manipur (COPTAM) and All Manipur Tribal Chiefs’ Forum. And further resolved unanimously to boycott the election of Village Authority under Manipur Village Authorities (Hill Areas) Act, 1956 until the said Act was amended as per the preservation of tribal land rights and chiefs rights. The meeting also agreed to submit the lists of Village Authority members of the villages but not with the proforma provided by the government of Manipur.

The third resolution has been to use the present letter head and logo for the time being.

Prior to the taking of resolutions today, COPTAM president Letpu Haokip in his speech briefed the agenda of the meeting i.e lands rights and chiefs rights Village Authority Election. Letpu in his statement clarified the status of Kuki’s Chief Rights/Land Rights with respect to Pre Bristish, British period, post British, Post independent and the present status of the Kuki people in Manipur. In his speech mentioned that the Kukis of Manipur had never ever signed Merger agreement neither with Manipur nor with the Indian Union (Manipur Merger Agreement: Merged States (Laws) Act, 1949 (Act No. 59; Ad., A.O. 1950). He also brief about Manipur Village Authorities (Hill Areas) Act, 1956; Manipur Land Reform and Land Revenue (MLR & LR) Act, 1960, Manipur Hill Areas (Acquisition of Chiefs Rights) Act, 1967, etc.

Last week, a meeting of the tribal chiefs and leaders of tribal organisations had resolved to oppose the upcoming Village Authority Elections 2012 seeking amendments to the Manipur Hill Village Authority Act, 1956 before the elections are conducted.

The meeting initiated by All Tribal Chiefs Forum, Manipur (ATCF) and Committee on Protection of Tribal Areas, Manipur (COPTAM) was convened at Kuki-Inn, Imphal with the main agenda being the ensuing Village Authority Elections.

The tribal leaders were of the opinion that the existing Act is completely outdated and hence it requires amendment raising stiff opposition against the state Government’s preparation for the election

The meeting  had unanimously adopted five resolutions among which the decision to oppose the ensuing Village Authority election was prominently highlighted.

It was also resolved that amendments to the Village Authority Act, 1956 should be made in such a way that the cultural and traditional rights as well as land rights of the tribal are suitably protected. The election should be conducted in each village as per the respective custom and traditions.

The meeting had also resolved that a sub-committee on Village Authority Act, 1956 comprising the presidents of all the tribal chief associations be formed and entrusted ATCF and COPTAM with the task.


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