Complaint filed against Principal


IMPHAL, Dec 20: A written complaint was filed before the Manipur Commission for Protection of Child Rights by Phurailatpam Sharatchandra Sharma of Sega Road Takhellambam Leikai against the Principal of RK Sanatombi Devi Vidyalaya namely H Nobindchand Singh for expelling her daughter who is studying in class VIII in the said school.

According to a press release of Human Rights Law Network (Manipur), in his complaint Sharatchandra Sharma had stated that his daughter had been expelled from the school on certain false allegation that his daughter had eloped to a person earlier.

Further the complainant has mentioned that under provisions of Section 16 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 prohibits expulsion or holding back of a student during elementary education.

The Commission will consider the complaint very soon and appropriate action would be initiated after an enquiry. The present complaint is filed with the active initiative of Human Rights Law Network (Manipur), the release added.


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