Governor greetings


IMPHAL, Dec 24: Governor Gurbachan Jagat in a message “I heartily greet the people of Manipur, especially our Christian brethren on the joyous and auspicious occasion of Christmas, 2012.

“Christmas, celebrated as the birthday of Lord Jesus, has now become a festival which is observed cutting across religion, caste and creed and is now a unifying event. Lord Jesus the apostle of peace was born to build a new world order and he strived for` the same based on peace, justice, humility and equality of mankind. While celebrating the anniversary of the birth of the Son of God, besides paying our obeisance to Him, let us re-dedicate ourselves to the ideals He espoused such as love, mercy, forgiveness, benevolence, compassion and sacrifice for the betterment of the society. We should, in this world full of enmity and hatred, remember his sacrifice for the sins of man. Let us come out from the man made hatred surrounding us and follow the principles propounded by Jesus Christ and messages preached by Him for a better world, where peace reigns and people prosper.”

“I join the people of Manipur in praying to God for a peaceful and prosperous ManiplJr and wish eacb anc everyone of them a Merry Christmas, 2012.”


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