Humans have much to benefit from bees, says expert


IMPHAL, December 16: A one day farmers training programme on “Bee keeping and crop production” was held at the Top Chingtha Community Hall, Yairipok today.

The said programme was organized by the Directorate of Extension Education, Central Agricultural University, CAU in association with the All Manipur Beekeepers’ Association, AMBA, Unit 1, Bijenti Beekeeping Centre, Top Chingtha.

Speaking as chief guest of the function, Andro MLA Thounaojam Shyamkumar said that humans have always had the company of the bees since time immemorial.

He continued that the production of honey is very beneficial, however since the state is economically unsound at the moment, it cannot produce honey in large scale.

Moreover, the government do not organize training programs on beekeeping, he lamented.

There is not even a processing unit in the whole state which is required in case honey extracted in the state is to be exported, he added.

The MLA assured that he will take up the matter in the upcoming state Assembly session and try his level best to install a processing unit at the earliest.

The function was presided over by the Director of Extension Education, CAU Dr M Premjit Singh and attended by secretary of AMBA Thongam Shamungou Singh, program coordinator of Krishi Bigyan Kendra T Hemabati, and pradhan Tondon Singh as guests of honour.

During the function Dr M Premjit Singh said that there are three different varieties of bees in the state.

A certain variety of bees known as the European Bee is normally found amongst the agricultural crops and helps in the yields of the crops.

He continued that a bee hive contain certain elements like the royal jelly, pollen, propolis, etc which is of great benefit to the humans.

He elaborated further that bees help in increasing the production of crops by pollinating the flowers of the crops.

Moreover the looks and taste of the vegetable and fruits are enhanced if the bees are allowed to pollinate, he added.

He further urged the people to encourage beekeeping and said it will not only help them in getting additional income but will also make the fruits and the vegetables tastier.

He ended his speech by urging the government to install the required processing unit in the state so that the state could start exporting honey outside.


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