Naga students on Momoko incident


SENAPATI, Dec 22 (Newmai News Network): All Naga Students Association Manipur (ANSAM) said the reported incident of the manhandling of actress Momoko by one Livingstone at Chandel on  December 18 is very unfortunate and condemnable by one and all. Such acts is an insult to womanhood and should have no place in the civilized world. The law of the land must address it in befitting measure, ANSAM stated

“However, the apprehension that this incident might take on a communal colour has come true on. The reaction is too far from being commensurate with the alleged crime under protest. The scene enacted in Imphal valley on this day December 22, was simply intolerable. That there is an irreparable social divide in the present state of Manipur has again been proved. The communal forces were waiting for an ignition that was provided by the incident. This localized incident has been capitalized and blown out of proportion very obviously to link it up with the impending Indo-Naga settlement. The aberration of one man has been heaped upon the Naga people,” ANSAM stated.

According to ANSAM, Nagas preparing the Churches for Christmas celebration in Imphal areas and were not allowed to continue their works in the church premises. Coffins of dead bodies being taken to villages were disrespectfully banged upon and their free passage disturbed. The State Government remained a mute spectator which implies that the whole drama has been sponsored by it. The State Government and the Film Forum Manipur and Manipur State Shumang Leela Council will be held responsible for any consequences arising out of this situation,” ANSAM warned this evening.  

“Nagas are not communal. The guilty must face the hands of justice. But a mole hill has been made a mountain with a communal agenda. What we want the world to know is the communal State Government and the communal forces in the Imphal valley has again proved that the Nagas and the tribals cannot live with them,” the Naga students added.

“The general Naga public is advised stay alert and to be prepared. The Naga civil society organizations are fully engaged with the situation. We will stand together as a people,” ANSAM asserted.

ANSAM then said Film Forum Manipur and Manipur State Shumang Leela Council and Co. who have organized “this mayhem” are requested to call off the bandh immediately. “We hope that they understand the message of  “Ching Tam” (Hills and Valley) amity which they have clearly conveyed through their handiwork today. We shall be left with no option but to speak the same type of language if the sincere request is not respected,” ANSAM cautions.


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