KSO opposes ATSUM talk


IMPHAL, February 13: The Kuki Student Organization has decided to opposed the upcoming talks between the Government and the All Tribal Students’ Union, Manipur.

A press statement of the organization has said that KSO said “It is unfortunate and astounding to hear that, even after fully aware of the ATSUM’s failure and formation of the pseudo ATSUM by just two to three vested interest persons who doesn’t have the mandate to do so, it has been invited for talks related to the cause of the tribals by the state government”.

“The KSO from the beginning of the recent ATSUM formation had made its stance clear to the public that it will never be a party to the venture unlike the past so many years, and for the cause of tribal unity and to preserve the integrity of ATSUM and re-install the genuine ATSUM till date the KSO along with the senior Naga student leaders have been working tirelessly”, it added.

“If the state government continues to hold talks with this pseudo ATSUM which is run by non-experienced and self-interest persons. The KSO will not take it lightly, and considered it as have cahoots with this ATSUM to fool the tribals of the state. If any misunderstandings arising out of this proposed meeting the state government will solely be held responsible to it”, it further said.


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