NSCN (IM), New Delhi at loggerheads


DIMAPUR, Feb 8 (Newmai News Network): Again, when the speculations on the early settlement of the vexed Naga political issue have been fueled, a serious loggerhead has cropped up between the NSCN-IM and the government of India.

The blow-hot, blow cold relation between the government of India and the NSCN-IM has been getting murkier every passing day with both the groups are confronting the other in their own sweet way.

With the increasing cases of the Assam Rifles arresting NSCN-IM cadres with weapons accusing them as `to be used in the ensuing elections”, the NSCN-IM said today that New Delhi is imposing its diktat on the Naga outfit.

Addressing a press conference today at Camp Hebron, V.S.Atem who is the `emissary` to NSCN-IM collective leadership` (Th Muivah and Isak Chisi Swu), accused the government of India of imposing its own way of cease fire ground rules on the NSCN-IM.

Few days ago, Chairman of the Cease Fire Monitoring Group (CFMG) N George to the NSCN-IM banning the carrying of weapons by the latter`s cadres even if they are card holders.

“As per the ground rules of the cease fire, card holders of our cadres can carry their weapons,” V.S Atem said. The NSCN-IM leader terms the act of New Delhi as `blatant violation of cease fire ground rules`.

V.S Atem then said the NSCN-IM is taking seriously with the development and the outfit had held a meeting yesterday. “If the ceasefire ground rules are to be violated like this, then the fate of the cease fire is in a great threat,” V.S Atem said. He then said the NSCN-IM is not going to oblige to the latest diktat of the government of India come what may.

Harping on the other front, V.S Atem Atem accused Manipur chief minister O Ibobi Singh of ‘stoking communal fires between the Nagas and the Manipuris’ by means of impressing upon the ‘Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister of India to wipe out all the NSCN designated camps from Manipur.’

“To give this kind of reckless statement by Mr Ibobi amounts to stoking of communal fire between the Nagas and the Manipuris. And this will definitely be treated as a violation of the ceasefire agreement by a constituent unit of the Government of India,” V.S Atem added.

On the numerous cases of the NSCN-IM cadres shipping in to Nagaland with large number of weapons in recent time, V.S Atem said they were the claims of the Assam Rifles. “We are not aware of those things,” said Atem.


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