Popular Front deplores the hanging of Afzal Guru


IMPHAL, February 10: The Popular Front of India strongly deplores the execution of one of the accused in the Parliament attack case, said a release of the front.

“It is quite regrettable while many countries are removing capital punishment from their statutory. India is going ahead with hanging perhaps our country may be one of the very few democracies which still standby death sentence.”

“In the case of Afzal Guru many legal experts and human right activists and public intellectual have questioned prosecution case against him. The police investigations have been biased with many loop holes and defects and the government could not provide strong legal defense to the accused.” 

“The hanging of Afzal Guru would certainly eliminate the Kashimiri people as the hanging of Maqbool Bhat as happened in the past. Had the Indian government commuted the death sentence to life imprisonment it would have given a strong message of peace and reconciliation to the Kashimiris.”


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