Preparations for Sharmila’s Patiala Court appearance all set


IMPHAL, February 22: All necessary measures and arrangements for the physical appearance of Irom Chanu Sharmila before the Patiala Court in New Delhi are in place according to a source.

A reliable source told IFP said that Irom Chanu Sharmila is set to appear physically before the court of the Metropolitan Magistrate No. 6 in Room No. 4 of Main Building at Patiala House Court Complex , New Delhi at 10 a.m. on 4 March.

The direction/order by Patiala House court of New Delhi for her physical appearance before the court of Patiala is with regard to a case registered by the Delhi Police against her protest to repeal AFSPA, 1958 from Manipur staged at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 5 October, 2006.

The Delhi Court had earlier conveyed to the Manipur Central Jail Authority in writing for the physical appearance of the crusader who has been on a fast calling for the Armed Forces Special Power to be repealed at 10 a.m. on 17 October 2012.

Irom Sharmila has not been able to be produced before the court earlier as the security arrangement were not made and the required sum of money for the arrangements of travel to Delhi was not sanctioned from the side of the Home Department of the Manipur Government.

Subsequently, the court directed that Irom Chanu Sharmila be made to appear physically during the first week of January.

This time as per the Delhi court’s direction, all the arrangements/measures for her physical appearance on 4 March have been ready from the side of the Manipur government.

The source further said that all the required expenditure for her physical appearance before Delhi Court has been sanctioned by the Home Department.

A team of officials of three departments will take her from Imphal to Delhi on 3rd March for enabling her to appear physically before Patiala house Court at 10 a.m. on 4 March, 2013.

The three officials includes a specialist of the Directorate of Health Services , two officials from Police Department for escorting her and two officials of the Manipur Central Jail.

An Assistant Jailor will lead the team comprising of eight persons including Irom Chanu Sharmila.

The eight-member team will leave Tulihal airport, Imphal for New Delhi in an Air India Flight on March 3.

It is said that the team will leave New delhi for Imphal in the same Air India Flight on 5 March, 2013 after Irom Sharmila’s appearance before the court on 4 March for which, flight tickets of the team of eight persons have been booked.

Permission required for her Imphal-Delhi-Imphal flight from the side of the government has been sought from Civil Aviation Ministry and granted. Since Irom Chanu Sharmila is an under-trial prisoner (UTP), permission from the Civil Aviation Ministry is integral for taking her in the flight from civil Aviation Ministry is indispensable.

It may be mentioned that Irom Sharmila had been taken into judicial custody 1958 under FIR No. 95 (3) 2012 U/S 309 registered against her after Porompat police station, Imphal East District arrested her following the launch of her fast-unto-death agitation over the demand to repeal AFSPA.


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