Two days general strike concludes peacefully in state


IMPHAL, February 21: The two days nationwide general strike called by the All India Trade Union Congress supported by 5 lakhs organised and unorganised workers affected normal life in Manipur.

As per a press release, the chairman Coordinating Body of Trade Unions, Manipur L Sotinkumar said that the 2 days nationwide general strike called in association with 11 Central Trade Unions with Independent Employees Associations and Federations was a success in Manipur.

A street corner meeting was conducted around the Dharamshala area, Thangal bazaar as part of the continuing 2 day General Strike today.

During the street corner meeting, leaflets were distributed.

The leaflets  mentioned that the general strike was participated by more than 5 lakhs organized and unorganized workers and employees representing 150 organizations in the state which are affiliated to AITUC, INTUC, CITU, BMS, HMS, TUCC, UTUC and other Independent Organizations of Trade Unions and Federations.

The general strike affected the movement of vehicles including inter-state buses plying on the National Highways, educational institutions, banks,  BSNL, post and telegraph and Account and Audit offices of the state.

Further according to the leaflet, the strike also resulted in less attendance in the state government offices, private industrial sites specially brick fields and construction sites.

Central and state sponsored scheme workers also actively participated in the general strike, it said.

Markets including the Khwairamband Keithel which is predominantly controlled by the women were also deserted, it said.

The general strike also witnessed support from Village Defence Force (VDF) personnel employed by the state Home Department who abstained from their duties, the leaflet said.

Street vendors also participated the General strike.

Prior to the strike, the Co-ordinating Body of Trade Unions, Manipur a conglomerate of Manipur Units of Central Trade Unions, Independent Employees Associations and Federations organized meetings in towns, villages and industrial establishments in the state.

The meetings were attended by more than 2000 workers and was addressed by AITUC general secretary comrade Gurudas Dasgupta on February 17, 2013 at THAU ground.

Ksh Santa of CITU and Kh Gyaneshor of TUCC took lead role in the street corner meetings, it said.

On the eve of the general strike, the Co-ordinating Body of Trade Unions, Manipur and AITUC distributed 30,000 leaflets throughout the state to the working people and general public to rally support for the 2 day strike, it said.


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