Against Misuse of Protections and Privileges Granted to Women
Mob : 9810742561/965449236
Mar 6, 2013
Press Release
Subject: All India Forgotten Women’s Association announces boycott of International Women’s Day
About All India Forgotten Women’s Association:

All India Forgotten Women’s Association (AIFWA), a group of bereaved, beleaguered, harassed, distraught and tortured women of India, has decided to boycott observing the International Women’s Day which happens to fall on the 8th of March. AIFWA gives a face and a voice to those mothers and sisters of husbands who have been harassed by women and women-centric laws and have nowhere to go. AIFWA gives a platform to women smitten by feminism to voice their woes and seek justice for the injustice done to them.
The Problem:
A lot of false cases are making their way to the courts under Section 498A (dowry law), Domestic Violence Act, various Maintenance sections in order to harass husband and his family and encash a bad marriage. These cases are primarily targeted to harass the husband and his family in order to coax them for an out of court settlement which more often than not involves huge alimony to the tune of millions and crores.
Often the entire family of the husband including small children, pregnant sisters, old parents, are named in the FIR in order to put pressure on the husband. It is ironical that, at the pretext of one woman, on average, 3 other women suffer who are the husband’s relatives.
Do you know?
Every year close to 40,000 women are arrested in false dowry cases without trial or investigation on the basis of one uninvestigated complaint as per arrest data provided by the National Crime Record Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs.
In the five years period from 2004 – 2009, close to 2,00,000 innocent women have been arrested in false dowry cases, while the British Government arrested just 20,000 women in 40 years as per arrest data provided by the National Crime Record Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs.
Domestic Violence act has forced senior citizens to leave homes built by their own hard-earned money and live on footpaths and gurudwaras due to faulty orders of right to residence being passed against husband and his family.
There is no provision of remedy for a woman harassed by her daughter-in-law or sister-in-law (brother’s wife).
All the women-centric laws are, in reality, wife-centric laws and they discriminate amongst women and do not provide relief to mothers and sisters of husband when the wife and her family inflict violence onto them.
As per study done by National Family Health Survey, women face 8 times more violence in their natal homes, at the hands of their mothers compared to that at the hands of their mothers-in-law post marriage.
Every year more than 62000 husbands commit suicide as per data provided by the Home Ministry and not a single wife has been punished so far. None of the mothers or sisters of those men have received justice for the death of their sons or brothers.
Feminists do not consider mothers and sisters of husband as women?
When a distressed mother-in-law approaches the National Commission for Women for help, she is turned down as the alleged perpetrator is her daughter-in-law?
These women have no platform to voice their concerns.
Boycott of International Women’s Day and Celebration of Forgotten Women’s Day
All India Forgotten Women’s Association have decided to boycott the “International Women’s Day” which falls on March 8th and have instead decided to observe “Forgotten Women’s Day” on March 9th, a day after International Women’s Day as a mark of protest against inter-gender and intra-gender discriminatory stands taken by feminists. The stands taken by feminists are just aimed at poisoning man-woman relationships in the society in order to monetize every intra-gender relationship under the cute name of “Women Empowerment”.
As the Govt. of India currently does not recognize the rights of these women, and passes laws as per the demands of the feminist lobby or the wife-centric lobby, these women have decided to call themselves as the “All India Forgotten Women’s Association” because amidst the feminist hoopla, the society/government/media has somewhere forgotten that mothers and sisters of husband are women too and need protection from abusive wives and their vicious and greedy families.
The Event
In order to mark the protest, register the boycott of International Women’s Day and observe the Forgotten Women’s Day, AIFWA announces a Dharna followed by peaceful protest march on the 9th of March 2013 at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi (11:00 AM to 5:00 PM). Hundreds of mothers and sisters, supported by victimized husbands will be participating in the event to voice their grievances.
In spirit, they will be supported by thousands of members all over India belonging to various NGOs under the umbrella of the Save Indian Family (SIF) movement.
This event is being supported by at least 40 NGOs all over India like All India Mother-in-law Protection Forum (AIMPF), Mothers and Sisters Initiative (MASI), Mothers and Sisters of Husbands Against Abuse of Law (MASHAAL), Save Family Foundation (SFF), Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF), Pati Pariwar Kalyan Samity (PPKS), Army Against Dowry Law Misuse (AADMI), Hridaya, SIFF Andhra Pradesh, SIFF Nagpur, Indian Family Foundation, Men’s Rights Association (MRA), Children’s Rights Initiative for Shared Parenting (CRISP) to name a few.
These NGOs are spread across the country in cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Nagpur, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Mysore, Kanpur, Kolkata, Guwahati, Chandigarh, etc. and carry a cumulative strength of at least 50, 000 members who have been victimized by misuse of dowry laws and domestic violence laws.
Our Demands
AIFWA places the following demand on Forgotten Women’s Day before the society and Govt.
The National Commission for Women was set up as statutory body in January 1992 under the National Commission for Women Act, 1990 ( Act No. 20 of 1990 of Govt. of India ) to :
review the Constitutional and Legal safeguards for women ;
recommend remedial legislative measures ;
facilitate redressal of grievances and
advise the Government on all policy matters affecting women.
We want NCW/Government to define specifically what is meant by “Woman”. Is she a mother, Is she a sister, Is she a mother-in-law, Is she a sister-in-law or Is she only a Wife.
Define clearly “Woman” in your Bye Laws.
We demand a separate cell in NCW to look after the grievances of Mother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law.
Every year more than 40,000 innocent women are arrested without any investigation over last 5 years under IPC Section 498A. We demand a public apology to these women, as the Government has done nothing to address the grievances of these women.
Reform National Commission for Women and Women and Child Development Ministry to include mothers and sisters as women, in their definition of women.
There is no law to protect a Woman from her son’s in laws. We demand a separate law for the protection of such Women.
Stop the discrimination against mothers and sisters of husband.
Stop the misuse of dowry laws and domestic violence laws.
Take steps to reduce suicides by Our Sons/Brothers.
- Scrap all gender biased laws and bring in gender neutral laws only.
* The press release is being sent by Deepika Bhardwaj ‘On Behalf of All India Forgotten Women’s Association’