General strike over Kiran case withdrawn


    IMPHAL, Mar 23: The JAC against the brutal murder of Thockchom Kiran Singh, Imphal, Manipur has said in a press release that a marathon meeting attended by the Chief minister, Chief Advisor, JAC, High Power Executive members, MLA Thongam Biswarjit Singh and MLA Karam Thamarjit  was held at the office of the Chief Minister with regard to the murder of Thockchom Kiran Singh. The press release said that the general strike launched by the JAC was withdrawn from 1 p.m. of 23 March following the responsibility and the concrete response of the government to their charter of demands. The JAC applauded the role of the media, NGOs, civil societies and all other organizations, MLA Thongam Biswarjit Singh, Home Department of the Government of Manipur and others in the incident.


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