Jiribam Supermarket complex in sorry state of affairs


JIRIBAM, March 16: Though construction of the Supermarket complex at Jiribam is almost complete and awaiting for its handing over to the general public, the complex now stands deserted without any one to look after.

What is disheartening is that it has become a breeding ground for many boys and girls and even married individuals for their immoral activities and several drug users; while the individual who was supposed to look after the place has neglected the complex after collecting some money and establishing his own personal business.

There also have been incidents of physical fights occurring in the complex which has only disheartened the locals furthers.

The complex which is located north of the Jiribam Police station has fencing and walls on two of its side while the front and the National Highway 37 sides are yet to be fenced.

As the complex stands along the highway, it has become a place for the commuters of the highway to urinate and defecate there.

Tall grass growing all over the complex is a common sight in the complex.

The complex has a big pond in the middle surrounded with four five buildings having four-five storeys. Each building has several big rooms including conference rooms. The complex has rooms which will be used as residential flats.

The complex is not only strewn with empty bottles of intoxicants, drugs the covers of condoms and playing cards lay scattered all over the complex including inside the rooms.

All doors of the rooms in the complex remain open and window panes broken.

Next to the pond in the middle of the complex is a tall water tanker and every building has a water tanker on its top where homing pigeons have built nests.

People climb on top of the buildings at night to catch this pigeons.

The pond is used by the locals to draw water for their household use, while drivers plying along the highway stop near the pond to wash their vehicles. And for some locals the complex has become a big waste dumping ground.

Even though authorities have failed to look after the complex, there are also some rooms which are properly locked and used as godowns on rent.

There were also reports of locals nabbing certain individuals for indulging in immoral activities inside a room in the complex just about a month ago. The individuals were found inside a room which was locked from the outside.

Sources have informed that the chowkidar has keys of only the stairs of the main building and his quarter.

It is speculated by the locals that the immoral activities are being carried out in the building by certain individuals or in cahoot with the chowkidar.

Locals have expressed displeasure over the indifference of the authorities and the government departments.

People have expressed that just opposite to the supermarket complex is the teachers’ colony which is frequented by several students day in and out and exposing such environment to the young minds is not unhealthy for the society.


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