March 19 fire victims provided relief items


KANGPOKPI, March 22: Immediate relief item has been donated to victims whose houses were earlier devastated by fire at Kangpokpi – IT Road Junction on March 19 at a simple function held today at Kanggui Women Welfare Organization office at Kangpokpi Town.

The function was attended by Haokholal Hangshing, Chairman ADC Sadar Hills and Haokholen Guite, MDC Kangpokpi Constituency, EM ADC Sadar Hills and Chonkam Kipgen, Chairman Kangpokpi Town Committee.

Members of KWWO and KTC also attended the function. A total of Rs. 12,000 in cash and 600 Kg of rice were donated to the victims. Mention may be made that on March 19 at around 7:30 pm, three houses were burnt down at Kangpokpi – IT Road junction destroying property worth approximately Rs 11 lakhs.

The devastated houses were owned by Lalkhoneh Chongloi and Joy.  The two had rented the house to Ranjit, Roshni and Krishna for business purposes.

Ranjit runs a stationery and soft drinks business while Roshni and Krishna run a vegetables business in their respective rented houses. Property worth Rs 5,83,000 were burnt down at Ranjit’s store and property worth another Rs 1,56,000 and Rs 5,24,000 were burnt down at Roshni`s and Krishna`s stores respectively.

The Kanggui Women Welfare Organization initiated every possible step to help the victims and went door to door for immediate relief donation.

While speaking at the function, Haokholal Hangshing said that it was very unfortunate that such unwanted incidents happened at Kangpokpi but expressed his appreciation over women groups who had initiated the fund drive.

“The donations collected are to show our moral support and oneness. Accident cannot be predicted and can happen any time to anyone. So when such things happen, every one should cooperate to lend a helping to the victims. This creates peace and harmony among different communities living together in one place. When peace prevails, oneness and development comes, ” added the ADC-SH Chairman.

The Chairman also assured of all possible help form his side to avail any available assistance from the government.

Haokholien Guite, EM ADC Sadar Hills who is the elected Member of ADC Sadar Hills from Kangpokpi Constituency said that Kangpokpi is a cosmopolitan town where several communities reside together. “We should not be divided by caste, creed, religions and everyone should keep in mind that all denizens of Kangpokpi town are one irrespective of caste and creed. We should share together our sorrow, pain and or happiness,” he said.

While appreciating the local women for their work for the welfare of the town, Guite added , “This Immediate Relief Contribution/Donation is one proof of our oneness. This practice of contribution or donating is not done only today, it has been done from the past”.

Chonkam Kipgen, Chairman of the Kanggui Town Committee encouraged the  victims of the fire incidents not to lose heart due to the unwanted accident. While they are in state of sorrow and pain the general public in particular and the local organization stands behind them, added the town chairman.

Haochon Haokip, Chairman of Ward No.13 where the gutted houses situated, thanked every individual who helped on that particular day when the incident took place, particularly to the personnel of Sub-Fire Station of Kangpokpi, Kangpokpi Police personnel and the public in general.


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