MSCW team visits rape victim


    IMPHAL, March 15: A team of Manipur State Commission for Women, led by its Chairperson,

    Dr. L lbetornbi Devi, today visited the residence of a girl who was raped on March 9, 2013. The visiting team met the girl`s mother and took her statement. Advisor of  the JAC formed in connection with the rape case, Jatishwor Singh also gave his statement to the visiting team, the release further said.

    On 14th March,2013, a complaint was lodged in Manipur State Commission for Women`s office from the victim`s side. The Commission is set to call a status report of the case from the concerned Police Station. Since, crime against woman in the state is increasing day by day; this Commission will investigate the matter quickly and will recommend the findings to the Government and the steps to be taken in combating such heinous crimes, it added.


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