National Handloom Expo commences


IMPHAL, March 4: The Development Commissioner for Handlooms, Government of India and Managing Director, Manipur Handlooms and Handicrafts Development Corporation Limited (MHHD) is jointly organizing a National Handloom Expo at Hafta Kangjeibung, Palace Compound starting from today March 4 and going on till March 18, 2013.

The inaugural function of the expo held today was graced by O Nabakishore Singh IAS, Principal Secretary Commerce and Industry and Sericulture, Government of Manipur; and John Thangtinkhuma, Director Commerce and Industry, Government of Manipur as Chief guest and President respectively.

During the occasion, O Nabakishore Singh said as the market is limited in the state, the market for handloom products should be searched in outer states and its exports can be done in large scale. The production level and quality maintenance have to be increased. :Discussion has been done to provide credit card to the weavers and minimum number of 10,000 weavers would be given loans. Fortunately the Finance Minister has mentioned in its budget to provide loans to the weavers in low interest. We will surely work for the development of handloom,” he added.

John Thangtinkhuma, Director Commerce and Industry suggested the weavers to maintain the quality of handloom products, increase the quantity of productions, and be good in marketing, and wished a good sale and good profit to all the participants of the expo.


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