Smokeless tobacco banned in Thoubal


    IMPHAL, March 15: The CMO Thoubal has notified the vendors in Thoubal district that Gutkha, Kheini, Zarda, Pan Masala and smokeless tobacco products containing Nicotine, unsafe food injurious to health and imported edible items from Moreh like Mico Nutrious Cerial (high calcium), Mico (three in one instant coffee mix), bakery items, pickles are banned from selling, and buying in the district, as per a DIPR release.

    The order No. 15/007/DO(TBL) was issued on March 8, 2103 by the Designed Officer of Thoubal district according to the Health department letter no. 15/52/88-M (FSSA) Pt., Dated February 2, 2013 and letter no. 15/52/88-M (FSSA) Pt., dated February 26, 2013, it added.


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