IFP probe reveal identity of primary suspect in Satyabhama`s murder case


By Paojel Chaoba  
IMPHAL, April 8: An independent investigation by IFP regarding the murder of N Satyabhama points to two suspicious mobile numbers with the name registered to one number being found out.

The mobile phone used by late Satyabhama (8575319255), an Aircel SIM was her only contact number. From confirmed sources, it was learnt that from scrutinizing the call records of the number, that were two mobile numbers which could have been used by those involved in the crime. Our investigations show that the person who identified himself as one James alias Dasaratha from Nongmeibung is a fictitious name and the address made up by the person.

One of the mobile number which figures in the deceased`s call records is9863345091, a Reliance number, with the SIM card being activated on April 1 recently. There is another Airtel number, 8415983199 which is supposed to be a friend of `James`. This person/friend had called up to Satyabhama some time back and informed her that James had eloped with someone out of an unwanted scenario.

Family sources say that Satyabhama was crestfallen at the news of the elopement and had talked to this ‘friend’ to help her meet `James`. The person also mentioned that he himself was a married person and did not want to be involved in the matter, but he could help her meet `James` whom he knew was in a particular construction site. It may be mentioned that `James` had introduced himself as a contractor and said that he was involved in contract works of the Fisheries Department, SSA and Industrial Training Institute. He had occasionally taken out Satyabhama to witness his `construction works`. But care was taken by `James` not to meet any of her friends. None of Satyabhama’s associates had actually met `James` and Satyabhama had preferred to keep it that way. She was an introvert and normally kept to herself and had negligible social contacts even in her own locality.

`James` had borrowed money from her to finish his ‘construction work’ and Satyabhama was financially aiding this person for quite some time. The deceased, a Junior Research Fellowship at Pathology department of RIMS under doctor Dhruva since 2010 was being paid a stipend of 15,000 per month and earned extra income by selling Oriflame products. Sources informed that she even paid for his mobile bills, raising suspicions that this person under the false name of `James` was using Satyabhama for his own ends and may not be even be a real contractor.

The friend of James, the unidentified Airtel SIM user was also helping `James` play out his masquerade which states that there is the possibility of the two people being involved in the crime.

Stayabhama had left her home early on Wednesday last with a big striped green bag and a red ladies bag. Though it is not specified what the actual contents were besides the items recovered from the scene of the crime, sources say that she may have carried some amount from her savings and it was speculated by family members that she might have eloped on that faithful day. Her body was found at Basikhong Wankhei Loumanbi Loukon on April 5 and bore no ornaments, which is quite unusual for a Meitei woman. The passport photo found in her bag was found to belong to a co-worker Kuber, a laboratory assistant who had given the photo for applying for a PAN card. The blood testing equipment was her routine work appliance for scrutinizing blood samples, sources add.

It was learnt from family members that she had her periods by the end of last month and was not pregnant.

IFP through its sources have been able to find out the identity of the SIM card owner who was to have escorted her to meet James on the faithful day. The phone number 8415983199 was found to be registered under the name of one Yumnam Kunjo Singh, s/o Yumnam Gulamjit of Torbung, Kumbi.

IFP traced the identity and address today but even with Torbung having a large community of ‘Yumnam’s’, the particular name and data did not match. It was also learnt that a police team had came looking for the same person in the area. The independent investigation taken up by IFP found that the said mobile number was registered under the aforementioned name, pointing to the fact that thete are two persons involved with fake identities and knew how to cover their tracks.

Sources also adds that Satyabhama could have been killed elsewhere and later dumped at the area where she was found and this suggests that the area was well know by the assailants. Meanwhile , the concerned police authorities have kept mum on the matter when contacted by IFP. A case has been registered under FIR number 24(4)201B IBG PS, under section 302/34 of the IPC.


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