IMPHAL, May 20: Little Flower School, Imphal student Keisham Luxmirani daughter of K Ronenkumar Singh and K (o) Sarda Devi of Haobam Marak scored 479 out of 500 just one less from the top score and settle for the 2nd rank of the High School Leaving Certificate, Examination, 2013 conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur.
Luxmirani scored letter marks in all five subjects.
Speaking to media persons at her residence soon after the results were out, an elated Luxmirani expressed her excitement and happiness over her ranking and said she will enter the Medical line after her XII exam.
She further said she would also give a try for the civil services.
When asked what her advice for other students would be, she said students should perform their school assignment properly.
She continued students should take proper guidance from their tutors.
In reply to a question on the current law and order situation in the state, the topper lamented that general strikes and blockades only provide hindrances to the students in their studies.
She called upon all concern not to call or impose unnecessary blockades and bandhs in the state.
She said she used to study for three to four hours a day before the examination and eight to ten during the exam.